How does Rural Revitalization strengthen Urban-Rural Linkages?

Today, during the third day of WUF10, the successful strategy of Songyang’s rural revitalization was presented as a pathway to address “Rural diseases” and urban slums caused by the rural recession. The Songyang “architectural acupuncture” strategy is part of a larger effort undertaken by China to promote rural development as well as ecological conservation.

Speakers of the conference were: Mr. Pan Yongshui  (Songyang County People’s
Government), Mr. Ignacio de la Puerta (Basque Country Government, Spain),
Dr. Abdul Husaini, (Niger State Government, Nigeria) and Dr. Junyoung Choi (Korea Land and Housing Corporation).

The session was moderated by Mr. Remy Sietchiping (UN-Habitat).

“Songyang through its efforts in reviving and embracing its rural aspects of its county is developing a new economy that is known as a collective economy, which is motivated by increasing its individual capacities and businesses that impact the whole industrial chain.”

Urban and rural are the same space, the same territory. Both spaces need each other to function. We need to consider all spaces and provide better connectivity between the spaces and solutions in which no space and no one will be left behind.

Here some major takeaways from the session:

  • Settlement planning solutions should take the opinion of everyone and consider the Urban-Rural Linkages: Guiding Principles with a high level of advocacy by linking efficient spatial and territorial planning and economic development.
  • Investment in territorial planning brings more return on investment with multiplier effects than having an unplanned environment.
  • Sustainable and territorial planning cannot happen by accident but must be planned with strategy and advocacy.
  • The session took place in Room A of  Voices from Cities.

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