Zanzibar, 7th – 9th July, 2021
The project “Leaving No-One Behind: Strengthening Urban-Rural Linkages in Africa” is entering the data collection phase. Within this framework, the selected data collection staff participated in a capacity building session to prepare for the operational phase aimed at collecting relevant indicators of urban-rural linkages in Zanzibar within seven functional districts which represents the urban, and rural areas.
A total of 44 participants, including districts staff, municipality, data collection agents and members of the Country Team took part in this training session, the training was held in Unguja on 7th July, 2021, where 28 data collectors were trained. This was followed by the training of 16 data collectors in Pemba on 9th July, 2021in data collection, methodologies and data collection tools. The main objective was to strengthen the capacities of data collection agents on the use of the KoboCollect application and questionnaires for data collection.
The training session started with a welcome speech by Mr. Mohammed Habib, the Director of Urban and Rural Planning from Lands Commission in Zanzibar, followed by an opening speech by, Mr. Joseph Kilangi, the principal Secretary of the Ministry of Lands and Human Settlements Development. He thanked the participants for attending this important workshop and reiterated the importance of data collection. In his speech, he also thanked UN-Habitat for their continuous support as it would help in the preparation of Zanzibar Urban Policy.
Furthermore, he encouraged the participants to pay attention to using Kobocollect tools for data collection in the field. After his address, Ms. Grace Githiri, UN-Habitat’s project coordinator gave a brief overview of the project and thanked the stakeholders for their commitment and particularly Lands Commission in Zanzibar for its unfailing support in the project. She emphasized the importance for the data collection agents mastering the tools, especially the filling of questionnaires and the use of the KoboCollect tool.
The plenary session began with a pre-assessment of the participants. This intervention was followed by a presentation on the Overview of UN-Habitat Global Urban-Rural Linkages program and UNDA project and finally specific training on the data collection, use of kobocollect including group exercises.

Finally, Mr. Hassan Rashid Shaaban, UN-Habitat Project Officer in Zanzibar presented the data collection plan where he explained how the data would be collected in seven districts with their respective urban and rural areas, displayed the role and names of data collectors. The training ended with the post-evaluation followed by awarding certificates of completion and group photos.