30 June, 2021, Yaounde
Training Workshop of Data Collection Teams for the “Leaving No-One Behind: Strengthening Urban-Rural Linkages in Africa” Project

The training session started with a speech by Mr. Rémy SIETCHIPING, UN-Habitat. He thanked the participants for attending this important workshop and reiterated the importance of data collection. The indicators will allow us to assess the relationship between cities and the countryside in the identified pilot zone. He therefore urged the data collectors to collect as much information as possible once in the field. He also urged the project implementation team to integrate the issue of the impact of COVID-19 on transport. After his address, Mrs. Joëlle LEUDJOU YAMBA, Head of the Studies and Planning Division at Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MINHDU) and Focal Point of the URL project in Cameroon opened the session. She gave a brief overview of the project and thanked the stakeholders for their commitment and particularly UN-Habitat for its unfailing collaboration. She emphasised the importance for the collection agents to master the tools that will be presented, especially the filling of questionnaires and the use of the KoboCollect application.
The plenary session began with a pre-assessment of the participants. This intervention was followed by Mr. Jean Calvin NOUKOUA, Coordinator of the Technical Secretariat of the project in Cameroon, who gave an update on the implementation of the URL project and he mentioned that the project is now in its 4th phase out of 7 possible phases.
After these interventions, Mrs. Josiane KAMGAING, from MINHDU presented the data collection plan and Mr. Sedric TIOBO’O PAPOU from the National Institute of Statistics trained the participants on how to fill the questionnaires using the instruction manual. After this presentation, Mrs Inès Diurtionnel NGOUANOM, UN-Habitat, trained the participants on how to fill in and send a questionnaire using the KoboCollect application before moving to the post-evaluation.
Mrs LEUDJOU closed the session by thanking the facilitators, the participants and UN-Habitat once again for its collaboration.