
Songyang County is a county in the southwest of Zhejiang Province, China, under the administration of Lishui City. Songyang County is located in the mountains of southwest Zhejiang and has over 1800 years of history. It is a famous city in provincial history as it was the economic center of Chuzhou (todays Lishui). It has many historical relics, including the internationally and domestically famous Yanqing Temple Pagoda.

Relying on its splendid history and local culture, the Songyang government has been putting rural development in the context of urban-rural integration by focusing on culture and architecture and implementing the “architectural acupuncture” strategy to systematically promote economic and social restructuring in rural areas. The story of Songyangs rural revitalization in the context of urbanization provides valuable lessons and inspiration for other rural areas in other parts of the world.

In recent years, the Songyang government has been putting rural development in the context of urban-rural integration by focusing on culture and architecture and implementing the “architectural acupuncture” strategy to systematically promote social-economic reconstruction in rural areas.

The Songyang government has been actively exploring a unique road of rural revitalization built on culture. Receiving favorable results, the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) invited the Peoples Government of Songyang County to the first UN-Habitat Assembly. The two parties signed a letter of intent under which they are co-organizing the First International Forum on Urban-Rural Linkages in Songyang County, China.

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