
A deep analysis of Liberia National Urban Policy

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

GDP per capita

Population (2016)

Population growth rate

Inflation Rate (2014)

Drinking water (rural)

Drinking water (urban)

Forested areas

CO2 emissions estimate

Labour force (females)

Labour force (males)

Female life expectancy

Male life expectancy

Unemp % of labour force

Urban population

Male education

Female education

Title of NUP


Status of NUP

Diagnostic Phase

Leading agency for Urban Development

Ministry of Internal Affairs at the Department of Urban Affairs

Timeline of NUP





The explicit NUP is being developed in partnership with UN-Habitat and it is being funded by Cities Alliance and Booyoung. Other involved UN branches is ROAF.


With the overall goal of bringing an end to poverty in all its forms and dimensions, by ensuring equal rights and opportunities, socioeconomic and cultural diversity, and integration in the urban space.

Decentralization most cross-cutting of the six themes Municipal Finance Fiscal structure in local governance & additional revenue streams to support local government operation Collective & inclusive 6 Pillars NUP Environment, Resilience & Climate change Curbing additional environmental threats stemming from inadequate waste and sanitation management & failure to enforce local ordinances Trigger collectiveactions Socio-economic Development & Sustainability Greater access to health, education, employment, land/housing and the local economy Trigger collectiveactions Urban Governance & Spatial Sustainability Include local governments in land administration combined with the growth of each regional economy & the increase in service provision Community based Urban Legislation & Institutional Framework Updating, cancelling & introducting new laws to govern the urban sector Local drivendecision making

Urban legislation and institutional framework are cross-cutting policy themes that interconnect with all other themes. Solutions under this pillar are formed through a critical assessment of urban legislation and include recommendations for updating, cancelling and introducing new laws to govern the urban sector.

Urban Legislation & Institutional Framework 6 Pillars Updating, cancelling & introduce new laws to govern the urban sector Local drivendecision making NUP Critical Assessment of Urban Legislation Updating SOLUTION Cancelling Introducing new law Socio-economic Development & Sustainability Urban Governance & Spatial Sustainability Municipal Finance Decentralization Environment, Resilience & Climate change Collective & inclusive Trigger collectiveactions Trigger collectiveactions Community based

Socio-economic development required the improvement of and greater access to health, education, employment, land/housing and the local economy. Current conditions include congestion on primary and secondary roads, inadequate availability of water and electricity networks, inadequate public infrastructure including roads and parks

Urban Legislation & Institutional Framework Urban Governance & Spatial Sustainability Municipal Finance Decentralization Environment, Resilience & Climate change Collective & inclusive Local drivendecision making Trigger collectiveactions Community based Socio-economic Development & Sustainability 6 Pillars NUP Trigger collectiveactions Improvement& greater access Employment SOLUTION Health Education Greater access to health, education, employment, land/housing and the local economy Land/Housing Local Economy

With regard to municipal finance, there is no sustainable framework to financially support local governments. Collectively, resources do not cover the recurring costs of administration, or waste management activities. The establishment of a fiscal structure in local governance and the creation of additional revenue streams

Fiscal structure in local governance & additional revenue streams to support local government operation Municipal Finance Collective & inclusive 6 Pillars NUP Establish a fiscalstructure SOLUTION Establish a fiscalstructure in local governance Build the capacity of local governments create additional revenue streams Socio-economic Development & Sustainability Urban Legislation & Institutional Framework Urban Governance & Spatial Sustainability Decentralization Environment, Resilience & Climate change Local drivendecision making Trigger collectiveactions Trigger collectiveactions Community based

Decentralization is the most cross-cutting of the six themes impacting the efficacy of all other policy interventions. While decentralization clauses are limited, the PAPD lists holding elections for selected municipalities as a component of its Sustainable Cities

Socio-economic Development & Sustainability Urban Legislation & Institutional Framework Urban Governance & Spatial Sustainability Municipal Finance Environment, Resilience & Climate change Collective & inclusive Local drivendecision making Trigger collectiveactions Trigger collectiveactions Community based 6 Pillars NUP Decentralization most cross-cutting of the six themes Decentralizationclauses SOLUTION Structural integration PAPD lists holdingelections for selectedmunicipalities as a component of its sustainablecities pilot project
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