The First International Forum on Urban – Rural Linkages
Rural revitalization through innovations and valorisation
The international forum on Urban-Rural Linkages is the first of its kind for the urban-rural Linkages Program. It is a joint initiative of UN-Habitat and Songyang County government. The Forum is of benefit to government authorities, relevant international organization representatives, academia, and other stakeholders working in the urban-rural continuum in different capacities.
Download the Songyang Consensus here
10 - 14 NOVEMBER 2019

Wang Jun is implementing the “Two Mountains” Theory and exploring the county practice of ecological conservation. Guided by the concept of the “live protection and organic development”, under the great effort, a group of dying traditional villages in Songyang County have been revitalized.

Mr. Li Xiaojie is the chairman of China Foundation for Cultural Heritage Conservation

She is a lawyer, civil servant and her career has been focused on public management and governance with different roles and responsibilities on land planning, urbanism and environment at both local and regional level. She was Vice Ministry of Environment (2011-2013), in the Basque Government.

Biologist from University of Guadalajara, and is currently studying a Master´s in Philosophy and Social Studies at the Jesuit University of Guadalajara. She was the Secretary of Environmental and Territorial Development of the Mexican state of Jalisco from 2013 to 2018.

His major contribution to human settlement sector include recognition and involvement of the local communities in planning, he prepared the first ever basic urban services information index for two of the major cities of Minna and Suleja where all the major urban activity areas were identified and mapped.

His interests in natural environments stem from his works at the prestigious Institute for Tropical Forest Conservation, Bwindi the home of Mountain Gorillas in South Western Uganda. His wide exposure gives him a planning scope with hands on experiences of modern well- designed environments. Prof. Byarugaba holds a BSc, MSc in and PhD.

Vicente supports national and sub-national authorities through economic analysis and policy recommendations in order to enhance the effectiveness of territorial development strategies. His worked has focused on improving the design and coherence of both urban and rural policy in OECD countries.

He is a Civil Engineer by training with an M.Sc. (1990) in Construction Project Management from the University of Manchester, UMIST in England, and a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering (1985) from the Amadu Bello University in Nigeria.

Remy Sietchiping leads UN-Habitat’s Policy, Legislation and Governance Section, coordinating of the substantive, normative and operational work of the section’s workstreams. He has led programmes and projects focused on integrating spatial frameworks in national urban policies

He was born on June 24, 1986 in the municipality of Florence – Caquetá-Colombia, civil engineering professional, specialist in road engineering. He has a professional experience of 11 and a half years, where he has worked in the public and private sector, always with a high degree of responsibility, ethics and loyalty to the institution for which he works.

Anurima teaches at the Faculty of Planning at CEPT University, Ahmedabad since 2010. She has over 17 years of experience in teaching, research, consulting and advisory roles. Her research interests are related to Urban Governance, Rural-Urban Linkages and Public Finance.

KYUNGJA SON is Senior Deputy director of the Information and Statistical policy div. of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Korea. She is in charge of planning and implementing informatization of agriculture. She manages building Big Data platform which aims to collect the Agri-Data

David Suttie is responsible for engaging in global policy processes, advocating for key rural dimensions and stakeholders – including smallholder farmers, rural youth, rural women – in the context of international policy debates and outcomes. He also produces policy products to share IFAD’s experience

Manohar velpuri is currently an institutional partner to united nations networks and has been actively working in projects related to Urban rural linkages and other conventions in the UN system.

Panagiotis Karfakis is an Economist that joined FAO in 2003. He has worked ever since on structural transformation, agriculture and food systems’ transition, poverty and vulnerability analysis, social and economic impacts of climate change, in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

PhD in development economics from Sorbonne University. For 15 years in charge of the Order of French Surveyors’ European and international relations. Major actor of the creation of the Federation of Francophone Surveyors.

From 2016 to 2018, he was a Decentralized Cooperation Advisor within the Partnership Division of FAO, supporting the development of collaborations between FAO, local governments, and local government networks on food systems. From 2012 to 2015, he was a senior researcher at Cirad (French Research Institute on Agricultural Development)

I’m a Civil Engineer in Bridge Construction, Urban Planning and Urban Studies from the Polytechnic Institute of the University of Conakry in 1996. I also hold a post-graduate certificate on Integrated Urban Planning from Sweden and India where I focus my research project on “Restructuring Informal settlements in Guinea”.

Researcher at Rimisp-Latin American Center for Rural Development, Bogotá, Colombia. Holds a B.A and M.A in Economics from Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. He has research experience in development economics, urban studies, economic geography, territorial development and local institutions.

Eulalia MORENO, General Director of Urban and Territorial Planning; Regional Government of Extremadura, Spain Ms. Moreno is an architect by the ETSA of Seville, Spain with a postgraduate in theory and practice of architectural and urban rehabilitation with specialized training in environmental and urban law.

Ms. Tuyen Huynh is a CIAT staff working on Sustainable Food Systems in Asia and works as a Country Coordinator of CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) based in Vietnam, where she leads activities of the cross-center A4NH program