World Metropolitan Day Report 2021
The World Metropolitan Day (WMD) is the leading global campaign led by Metropolis and UN-Habitat that promotes collective action to build more equitable, resilient, and prosperous metropolises. It commemorates, on October 7, the adoption of the Montreal Declaration on Metropolitan Areas. In continuing its partnership, on October 7th, UNHabitat and Metropolis co-organized and held the 2021 commemoration of World Metropolitan Day, themed “Resilience for all: creating caring metropolises beyond COVID-19”. The event virtually brought together participants from various backgrounds, including government, civil society, academia, and international organizations. The event provided a platform to engage in open dialogue to share knowledge, experiences and lessons learned along the theme of resilience beyond COVID-19. The commemoration of World Metropolitan Day also continued in various other locations all through Urban October.
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- Date published 1 June 2021