Urban-Rural Linkages Newsletter Second Issue
Welcome to the second Issue of the Urban-Rural Linkages Newsletter. This Issue is primarily dedicated to updating you on the First International Forum on Urban-Rural Linkages (IFURL 1) and the 10th session of the World Urban Forum (WUF10). In this issue, we also inaugurate our new discussion section Short Articles on Urban-Rural Linkages. This Issue also covers our regular updates on urban-rural linkages events, publications and recent activities of partners. It is our hope that with this section, the URL Newsletter will serve as a platform for on-going discussions and events relating to issues of policy and governance and the implications for urban-rural linkages. Multiple stakeholders come together to create the Newsletter and it provides a space for fruitful debates and discussions on the implementation of ‘Urban-Rural Linkages: Guiding Principles and Framework for Action2’. We look forward to receiving your proposals and contributions for our upcoming issues.
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- Downloads 14
- Views 176
- File Size 3.18 MB
- Languages 1
- Date published 1 June 2020