The National Urban Policy Database

The UN-Habitat National Urban Policy Database provides a global overview of the state of urban policy at the national level. The database gathers country-level data (when available) on the existence of relevant NUPs, dates of formulation, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation (as appropriate) main themes of these policies, the leading ministries and main actors, and, when possible, links to the policy documents. The Database was developed by UN-Habitat from 2014. National Urban Policies were collected, analyzed for the required information and input into the database. The information on National Urban Policies were then complimented by a range of statistical data, all of which can be useful in order contextualize the policy and can be used also during the development phase of National Urban Policy. The graphical representation of the Database presents and highlights information found in the Database for each country and is arranged into five global regions: Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Arab States, Latin America and North America and Europe. The database is a living document and will be continuously reviewed and updated in order to remain relevant and up to date

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