Strengthening Environmental Reviews in Urban Development-Brazil Case Study

The study assesses the environmental impact reviews in urban development licensing procedures in Brazil, exemplified by the urban development tendencies observed in the Maringá Metropolitan area, Paraná State. The study starts with a description of the Brazilian urban legal framework, addressing its rules and regulations, allocation of competencies between administrative spheres, procedural design, social protagonism and transparency, and judicial review. Based on this scenario, the two cases reveal the harm to social interest that comes from the contradictory issues regarding municipal autonomy, since both municipal protagonism and restraint seem to lead to unwanted results. The critical analysis and propositions reveal that formal and procedural controls lack effectiveness in transforming the public agents’ conduct. A strategic change is needed in order to address the exposed issues with real positive results. In conclusion, the search for balance in municipal autonomy is key. A combination between capacity development and support and supervision from an interfederative governance structure seems to be the way towards better conduction of urban policy in Brazil, and may serve as a model for countries with similar issues.

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  • Date published 1 June 2018