Voluntary Metropolitan Reviews - SDG11: Climate Resilience. Guadalajara Metropolitan Area, Mexico. IMEPLAN-UN-Habitat.

Metropolitan areas with the support of UN-Habitat are joining the global movement of Voluntary Reviews of progress on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals SDGs , starting with the inaugural series - SDG 11.5, 11.6 and 11.b- on Climate Resilience.

The metropolitan areas of San Salvador (El Salvador), Guadalaraja (Mexico) and Valle de Aburrá (Colombia) monitored the instruments of Metropolitan Management such as policies, plans, regulations, governance and financing mechanisms, and metropolitan projects. The monitoring of these instruments has  allowed the implementation of metropolitan solutions related to risk reduction and resilience to natural disasters, the negative environmental impact due to air quality and waste management, mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

In these Voluntary Metropolitan Reviews (VMR) you will find good practices in Metropolitan Management to accelerate the process of localizing the SDGs at a metropolitan scale. These good practices are instruments for peer learning, capacity development and the international commitment of metropolises in achieving sustainable urban development.

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  • Date published 26 August 2024