National Urban Policy and Smart City Strategy Document, Final Version
NUPP in I.R. Iran seeks to contribute to a larger response to urbanization and its emerging challenges, while also consolidating and sharing knowledge on urban policy at the global level. It is also a tool for implementation and monitoring of global urban agendas, such as the New Urban Agenda, Paris Agreement (agreed upon by I. R. Iran in Paris, on 12 December 2015) and Sendai Framework (agreed upon by I. R. Iran in UN World Conference in Sendai, Japan, on 18 March 2015).
The NUPP in I.R. Iran has gone through different steps since its beginning. In the first step, the “Diagnosis Report” was prepared by the selected consultant and launched in December 2018. In the next step of NUPP, by receiving the approval of the Project Document and preparation of the Inception Report, preparation of the National Urban Policy and Smart City Strategy document is pursued as part of the joint programme of the UN-Habitat and the Urban Planning and Architecture Directorate of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development (MoRUD) and other partners and stakeholders.
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- File Size 1.6 MB
- Languages 1
- Date published 23 June 2023