Korea National Urban Policy Programme at World Urban Forum 11 Report

The National Urban Policy Programme (NUPP) remains a pivotal tool towards promotion and achievement of transformative, inclusive, green, productive and resilient urban development. Since2016, NUP has achieved this through shared responsibility and deliberate consultation between UN-Habitat and respective countries globally. This joint initiative aims at contributing to the successful implementation of the New Urban Agenda (NUA) to achieve sustainable and prosperous human settlements for all. In the wake of COVID-19, NUPP’s role in supporting countries with tools and knowledge to formulate urban policies to shape more resilient cities cannot be overemphasized. The 11th World Urban Forum (WUF 11) was organized and convened by UN-Habitat, and hosted in the City of Katowice, Poland between 25th to 30th June,2022. The WUF is an international gathering for exchanging views on sustainable urbanization and its ramifications done biennially. This report showcases the activities that NUPP conducted at WUF including Knowledge Exchange, Celebration Event, and a Networking Event.

The main objective was to focus on sharing the results and achievements of National Urban Policies with Smart City Strategies in three pilot countries –I.R. Iran, Myanmar, Niger State in Nigeria and launch of the Phase 2 in five countries: Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Egypt, Mozambique, and Paraguay, with technical and financial support by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT), the Republic of Korea.

Specific objectives included to: Disseminate the results and achievements of Korea NUPP with Smart City Strategies in three Phase 1 countries; Augment the capacity of policy makers to develop and implement Smart City Strategies through the provision of capacity development sessions and through site visits in Poland to relevant locations; Share knowledge and encourage peer learning between the project countries and the Government of the Republic of Korea, as well as between the project countries themselves; Reflect the lessons learnt from the pilot three countries to the preparation for Phase II. This report is a cocreation of the Republic of Korea and UN-Habitat.

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  • Date published 1 September 2023