Key Competencies for Improving Local Governance - Volume 1: Quick Guide
Without strong local institutions and motivated staff, decentralization and human settlements reform will not deliver the desired development outcomes. Yet, many local authorities and civil society organisations lack the human resources required to meet urgent needs. Training and capacity building is therefore a wise investment into the future sustainability of our cities. The Training and Capacity Building Branch (TCBB) of UN-HABITAT supports national training institutions to build their capacity to implement innovative programmes, focusing on local governance and sustainable human settlements development. Typical activities include training needs
assessment, development of manuals, training of trainers, and impact evaluation. TCBB products have been successfully adapted and translated into over 20 languages.
This Quick Guide is a snap-shot overview of UN-HABITAT’s new series on Local Elected Leadership Training (LEL). The LEL series presents two roles and ten competencies essential for every elected official when serving their local communities. Comprised of 4 Volumes, this user-friendly training package includes;
Volume 1 - Quick Guide;
Volume 2 - User's Guide,
Volume 3 - Concepts and Strategies
Volume 4 - Training Tools.
These Volumes describe the roles and competencies that elected officials should have in order to effectively perform their job. The many training exercises and tools can also be used as a practical on-the-job guide long after the leadership training workshop has ended.
- Version
- Downloads 30
- Views 101
- File Size 277KB
- Languages 1
- Date published 21 May 2005