Integrating Sustainable Food Systems in National and Sub-National Urban Policies (NUP and SNUP)

Urbanization and population growth are increasingly putting pressure on the global food system as food production and distribution are adversely affected by environmental degradation, climate change and extreme weather conditions. The most effective way in which governments can manage these pressures is to formulate a national urban policy that addresses the issues headon. UN-Habitat has developed International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning (IG-UTP), which constitute a global framework for improving policies, plans and designs for cities and territories.

A major focus of the guidelines is to improve food security and nutrition. This guide can be used by decision-makers and stakeholders to design food-sensitive urban policies. It is also a tool for policymakers throughout the national urban policy process, including implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

Food systems and nutrition, among other cross-cutting themes, simply cannot be left out of an overall urban policy. Ensuring this issue is addressed comprehensively is not only essential for the survival of millions of people, but will mean the success or failure of the urban policy as a whole.

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