Implementing National Urban Policy Through Demonstration Projects
Globally, urbanization has increased significantly, with the world’s urban population expected to reach 68.5% by 2045. Although urbanization brings economic opportunities and improved living conditions, if not well managed, it can also present urban and social challenges such as slums, poverty, and environmental degradation. While many countries around the world have formulated National Urban Policy (NUP) to manage their urbanization, associated implementation challenges such as institutional capacity and inadequate financial resources continue to delay the gains of NUP. Building on the experiences and achievements accumulated over the years on enhancing the capacity of national and sub-national governments to develop, implement, monitor, and evaluate national urban policies, this toolkit has been prepared to assist governments, policymakers, and stakeholders in accelerating the implementation of NUPs through demonstration projects (innovative and cost-effective interventions).
This toolkit offers a range of tools and resources to support the government (national and subnational), policymakers, and all stakeholders in the urban development sector in the implementation of NUP through demonstration projects. It is expected that the range of tools in this document will guide all actors in the urban development space to accelerate the implementation of NUPs to achieve sustainable urban development in an efficient and collaborative manner.
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