Global State of National Urban Policy 2024 - Building Resilience and Promoting Adequate, Inclusive and Sustainable Housing

Cities, home to nearly half of the world’s population, are dynamic centers of economic, social, and cultural growth. They generate over 80% of global GDP and foster creativity, innovation, and investment. However, when poorly managed, urbanization can lead to challenges such as congestion, pollution, sprawl, and rising housing costs. Inequality persists, with gaps in income, housing, and access to services.

Global megatrends like climate change and demographic shifts further affect urban well-being. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 11 focuses on making cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. Despite this, progress remains slow. Targets such as upgrading slums and expanding green spaces lag behind, while others, like public transport and disaster management, require significant improvement.

Cities have crucial responsibilities in addressing these issues, but they cannot act alone. National Urban Policies (NUPs) offer a framework for aligning efforts across government levels. By coordinating planning and investments, NUPs support sustainable urbanization and help reduce urban greenhouse gas emissions.

This report highlights the growing importance of NUPs worldwide. Drawing from diverse experiences, it offers lessons and recommendations to guide policymakers and ensure sustainable urban development for future generations.

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