Phnom Penh, Cambodia © Unsplash

Country Profile

The Kingdom of Cambodia’s urban areas grew at a 4.5% annual rate from 2000 to 2020. The draft National Urban Development Strategy within Vision 2030 of Preah Sihanouk province emphasizes the need for sustainable city planning.

By 2050, 50% of the total population is predicted to live in cities

Rural-urban migration has surpassed the natural population growth.

Between 2016 and 2018, employment in construction and manufacturing sector increased by 4.5% and 4.2% respectively while agriculture sector steadily declined.

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Although the Kingdom of Cambodia does not have an explicit National Urban Policy, it has a working draft of National Urban Development Strategy translated in Khmer and English. This aims to create sustainable cities, as seen in the Preah Sihanouk’s 2030 plan.


National Urban Policy (NUP) is a coherent set of decisions via government led actors that coordinates various actors towards a common goal and vision for long term, resilient urban development.

UN-Habitat continues collaborating with Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) of Republic of Korea in supporting development of National Urban Policies (NUP):

  • Phase 1 (2017~2022): Integrating people-centered smart city approaches in NUP for Islamic Republic of Iran, Republic of the Union of Myanmar, and Niger State, Nigeria.
  • Phase 2 (2022~2026): Scaling up people-centered smart cities through National Urban Policy: Republic of Azerbaijan, Kingdom of Cambodia, Arab Republic of Egypt, Republic of Mozambique, and Republic of Paraguay.

UN-Habitat’s People-Centered Smart Cities Approach (PSCA) promotes deployment of technology and innovation to ensure sustainability, inclusivity, prosperity and human rights in cities By creating a framework that centers people in smart city development, the delivery of policies and programmes can be more inclusive and responsive to their needs.

Korea-funded NUPP seeks to integrate PSCA into NUP to promote and achieve transformative, inclusive, green, productive and resilient urban development.


This programme aims at promoting a people-centered smart cities approach through National Urban Policies to ensure the increased focus on mainstreaming sustainable and inclusive digital transition in high level political forums on urban policy sensitive and people-centred smart cities in the Kingdom of Cambodia

Integrating the NUP and the PSCA into land management policy as part of Preah Sihanouk’s vision 2030

Capacity development

Enhancing capacity of government officials and other stakeholders at provincial and national level to mainstream people-centred smart city approaches in land management policies

Project document
Project Title

National Urban Policy Programme, Phase Two:

Scaling Up People-centered Smart Cities through National Urban Policy
Country Kingdom of Cambodia
Overall Objective Promote a PSCA through National Urban Policies in Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia
Key Ministry Preah Sihanouk Provincial Administration in consultation with Smart City Steering Committee, Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, Ministry of Interior
Internal Stakeholders Lead organizational Unit: Policy, Legislation and Governance Section

Implementing Unit: Cambodia Country office with the support from HQ Project team

Collaborating Units: Urban Practices Branch, Global Solutions Division/ External Relations, Strategy, Knowledge and Innovation Division, Programme Development Branch, HQ/ Regional Office for Africa, other Regional Offices (ROAP, ROAS and ROLAC)

External Stakeholders MOLIT of the Republic of Korea

National governments and local authorities of other participating countries

Country Contact Duk Hwan Son: Senior Programme Officer, UN-Habitat (

Vanna Sok: Habitat Programme Manager, UN-Habitat (

Major Outputs One (1) revised/updated land management policy with PSCA in Preah Sihanouk Province

Three (3) acupuncture projects/pilot interventions implemented based on an action plan

Budget USD284,000
Duration November 2022 – October 2026
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