Barranquilla, Colombia. 18 May 2020
UN-Habitat’s work on sustainable metropolitan development will be strengthened in Colombia
Mr. Libardo García, Director of the Metropolitan Area of Barranquilla was appointed as the new President of the Colombian Association of Metropolitan Areas (Asoareas), institution that last December awarded UN-Habitat with a formal recognition for the work done through its MetroHUB Initiative on supporting Country’s metropolises. Mr. Garcia takes office after a mandate led by the Metropolitan Area of Valle de Aburrá (AMVA) during which UN-Habitat and the Association have collaborated on important initiatives like the Global State of Metropolis.
For the last four years, UN-Habitat’s Policy, Legislation and Governance Section – PLGS (former Regional and Metropolitan Planning Unit – RMPU) and UN-Habitat Colombia Office have been working with the metropolitan areas of Colombia on topics such as institutional strengthening, metropolitan legislation and planning, national and international advocacy on metropolitan subjects, and knowledge management and exchange of best practices.
Asoareas have requested UN-Habitat team to continue supporting them and have included some activities such as the Global State of Metropolis, Urban-Rural Linkages, MetroHUB, and Cities and Migration within their work plan for 2020. With this new Association Directorate it is expected UN-Habitat and Asoareas collaboration will be strengthened.