Guide for Mainstreaming Transport and Mobility in Lebanon’s National Urban Policy

As a result of this process, this guide, aimed primarily at policymakers and decision-makers in transport and urban planning spheres, provides a set of policy recommendations for the Lebanese transport sector, structured under the commonly adopted EASI policy formulation framework for sustainable transport and mobility. “Enable” policies are meant to prepare the appropriate governance environment necessary for supporting the implementation of the “avoid,” “shift” and “improve” policies. “Avoid” policies aim to reduce the need for motorized travel through concurrent landuse and transport planning and TDM. “Shift” policies 25 For more information, see UN-Habitat Lebanon (2021c). aim to increase the modal shares of public transport and alternative transport means, such as walking and cycling. “Improve” policies aim to improve the efficiency of transport modes while minimizing their environmental footprint.

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  • Date published 1 June 2021