Policy, Legislation and Governance Section

Annual Report 2023

Fostering Sustainable Development through Urban Policies, Legislation, and Governance


In many ways, 2023 was the year of renewed commitment and drive in global efforts towards sustainable urban development.

At organizational level, 2023 marked the second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly (UNHA2), convened around the theme of a sustainable urban future through inclusive and effective multilateralism. Delegates to UNHA2 acknowledged adequate housing as one of the most pressing problems of the 21 century and called for accelerated action in the remaining years of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development “to build the foundation for a transformation meeting the needs of today’s estimated one billion slum and informal settlement dwellers”.

In this regard, the Member States adopted a historical resolution on affordable housing for all. Member States also adopted nine other resolutions, five decisions and one ministerial declaration to accelerate implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and New Urban Agenda. As the Urban Practices Branch is the normative nerve centre of the organization and the home of most of its global programmes, the vast majority of resolutions adopted relate directly to the work of the Branch and it will have a significant role in driving their implementation.

Shipra Narang Suri

Chief ~ Urban Practices Branch

Remy Sietchiping

Chief ~ Policy, Legislation and Governance Section

I am pleased to share with you our Annual Report 2023,

which provides information on pivotal milestones, progress and achievements and, equally, lessons to carry forward from the role that the Policy, Legislation and Governance Section (PLGS) played in implementing the UN-Habitat Strategic Plan and progressing on the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda.

In 2023, PLGS built on the momentum generated in 2022 and engaged with more than 44 activities in over 37 countries globally. These activities, which included projects, knowledge and tools development and deployment, capacity development and advocacy, continued to shape urban policies, legislation and governance processes.

Our work in 2023 also enabled significant strides to be made in supporting governments and other stakeholders to strengthen urban-rural linkages and applying sustainable metropolitan approaches in the governance of ever-expanding cities and communities.

Aligning with the UN-Habitat Strategic Context

UN-Habitat Strategic Plan 2020-2025

At the core of the UN-Habitat Strategic Plan 2020- 2025 is the vision to achieve “a better quality of life for all in an urbanizing world”. The plan harnesses the role of UN-Habitat as a focal point in sustainable urban development and human settlements to accelerate progress in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda to achieve the urban dimensions of the Sustainable Development Goals. PLGS is one of the sections of UN-Habitat responsible for programmatic delivery of the strategic plan and plays a catalytic role in advancing two of the four Drivers of Change of the Strategic Plan; these are

  1. Policy and Legislation;
  2. and Governance.

In 2023, PLGS collaborated with at least ten organizational units of UN-Habitat both at headquarters and at the regional and country level to contribute to all the outcome areas of the UN-Habitat Strategic Plan 2020-2025.


UN-Habitat’s five flagship programmes catalyse implementation of the Strategic Plan 2020-2025 by facilitating crossfertilization of ideas, experiences, and lessons to achieve coherence and synergy between the various UN-Habitat initiatives.

2023 saw more projects aligning and contributing to the flagship programmes.

PLGS 2023 Achievements at a Glance

Guided by the UN-Habitat Strategic Plan 2020-2025, UN-Habitat’s Policy, Legislation and Governance Section (PLGS) reached several milestones, made progress and realized results in 2023 along the various delivery mechanisms. This report presents the progress of PLGS within the UN-Habitat strategic context and contains the results from internal and external collaborations. It presents achievements under the PLGS focus areas and reviews the financial portfolio. The report also features the planned outcomes PLGS has for 2024.

In 2023, UN-Habitat through the Policy, Legislation and Governance Section delivered over 44 activities in more than 37 countries, with the activities including country projects, tools and knowledge development, capacity development initiatives, and advocacy efforts.

Growing uptake of PLGS tools in country level-projects

Advanced more than 28 projects in 24 countries.


Supporting more National and sub-National Urban Policies

More countries: Iraq, Lesotho, and Nigeria’s Abia State, have requested UN-Habitat (PLGS) support in developing NUPs.

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Implementing NUP Demonstration Projects

Ongoing NUP demonstration projects set to benefit over 50,000 households in Niger State, Nigeria, with improved access to water and sanitation.

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Scaling up and Replication of Initiatives

  • The Korea-funded National Urban Policy Programme (K-NUPP) transitioned to phase 2, implemented in five countries.
  • Building on the success of urban legislation support provided in Tajikistan, a similar project was initiated in Kyrgyzstan.
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Strengthening Urban Legislation

  • Several countries: Comoros, DRC, Lesotho, and Oman, are developing urban planning laws. The African Union is also developing a model law on housing.
  • As a result of the influence of UN-Habitat’s project to support climate legislation, Zimbabwe enacted the Carbon Credits Act 2023

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Strengthening partnerships

Collaborated with 10 more partners in 2023 (12% increase).

Key Examples:

Partnership with 3 Commonwealth Assosciations

Agreed with three Commonwealth associations to collaborate on enhancing the capacity of national and local governments to promote effective, climate smart and rightsbased law.

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Partnership between Kenya and China

Songyang County, China, and Nyamira County, Kenya, established friendly relations on areas of common interest such as agriculture, rural tourism, and nature.

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Expanding knowledge

Developed and released 15+ new tools, guides and knowledge products in 2023 (Over 1,600 downloads in total).

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Voluntary Metropolitan Review series

Metropolitan areas including Valle de Abura, Guadalajara and San Salvador continue monitoring their progress on SDGs through the voluntary metropolitan review series released in 2023.

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National Urban Policy Database

Partners such as the Commonwealth Association of Architects used the NUP database to source NUP information for various countries, including Uganda.

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UrbanLex Database

UrbanLex database updated with over 230 laws from 9 countries. Brings total to 2,500+ legal instruments.

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Up-taking and Scaling up Capacity

Strengthened capacity for up to 1,400 learners globally who accessed the new online courses on digital governance and on climate law


Launch of Centre for Urban-Rural Linkages in Africa

Capacity development and partnership led to launch of the Center for Urban-Rural Linkages in Africa, at the University of Nairobi, Kenya.

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Application of UN-Habitat Tools

Academic institutions from Kenya, Italy and Spain integrated UN-Habitat guidelines and tools as part of their urban professional education.

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MetroHub Capacity Development Programme

As a result of continued metropolitan capacity development, led to requests to establish the MetroHUB centre at Politecnico di Milano, Italy.

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Urban Law Days 2023

Strengthened capacity of over 150 participants on urban law and related themes. Two (2) Urban Law Days were held in 2023.

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Community of Practice

Enhanced collaboration and increased external participation at the PLGS Community of Practice sessions.

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Advancing Advocacy efforts

More awareness on sustainable urban development created from the 30+ events organized or participated.


UN-Habitat Assembly

5 side events (including a Ministerial Session) 28 bilateral and multilateral consultations with 17 countries and over 10 organizations Over 300 participants in total engaged.

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Third International Forum on Urban-Rural Linkages

Held in Songyang, China 180+ participants from 17 countries 18 international organizations.

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Urban October

12 engaging thematic events (organized and/or participated) Over 350 in-person and virtual participants engaged

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World Metropolitan Day

Held in Marmara, Türkiye Over 250 diverse participants.

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Financial Snapshot

In 2023, UN-Habitat, through PLGS, expanded its partnerships and mobilized additional resources for implementation of sustainable urban development initiatives. For some projects, the numerous donor consultations led to an increased confidence in the work of PLGS and additional funding was approved to extend or replicate the projects in subsequent phases.

Additionally, PLGS made new funding acquisitions in 2023 including:

  1. Global State of Metropolis, supported by Barcelona Metropolitan Area;
  2. Urban-Rural Assembly project, supported by the Technical University of Berlin;
  3. Strengthening the capacities of the DRC Ministry of Urban Planning and Housing to develop an effective legal framework for urban development and construction - Phase II as part of the KIN-Elenda Project, supported by the World Bank-DRC.

2023 in Photos






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© Songyang TV




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© Songyang TV


© University of Nairobi


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© UN-Habitat

Knowledge Nuggets

Child-Responsive Urban Policies, Laws and Standards: A Guidance

UN-Habitat and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) have developed this Guide which highlights the important role that policy and legislation play in setting normative standards and minimum expectations for duty-bearers in all aspects of children’s development.

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Enabling Meaningful Public Participation in Spatial Planning Processes

A step-by-step process on how to engage the public and civil society and has a series of mechanisms that can be adapted and aggregated in the form of policy mixes that can better suit the local context, the stage of the process and the available resources.

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Integrating Sustainable Food Systems in Urban Policies (Pre-release version)

UN-Habitat with contributions from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and academic experts has developed a guide on integrating food systems in urban policies. The guide can be used by decision-makers and stakeholders to integrate food systems and nutrition into urban policies.

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Decision Making in Metropolitan Governance

UN-Habitat collaborated with the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona to develop this guide which offers practical tools based on international trends and 22 global case study findings to facilitate inclusive and equitable processes of decision-making in metropolitan areas.

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Mainstreaming Migration and Displacement into Urban Policy: A Guide

The connection between migration and urbanization is central to the well-being of migrants, refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, and the cities hosting them. This guide has been developed for governments at all levels in the management of migration and displacement in urban areas.

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Guidelines for the Scrutiny of the Quality of Urban Legislation: A Manual for Parliamentarians

A Manual for Parliamentarians to act as a point of reference and reflection into quality law-making for all parliamentarians and lawmakers, with the hope of stimulating discussion over ways to address shortcomings in urban legal frameworks.

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Looking Ahead...

PLGS envisions building on the gains made in 2023, in 2024. With less than seven years until 2030, there is a need to accelerate efforts towards implementing the SDGs and the New Urban Agenda for a better urban future for all. In his message, the United Nations Secretary General sees 2024 as “a year for building trust and hope in all that we can accomplish together”.

"we will need to redouble our efforts to ensure that every individual has a place to call home. Recognizing the urgency of climate action, urban climate finance and local action emerge as vital tools in mitigating the impacts of climate change in our cities."

Image Description
Maimunah Mohd Sharif
UN-Habitat, Former Executive Director

In 2024, PLGS will continue to mobilize resources and expand partnerships to accelerate implementation of the initiatives that support national and subnational governments and other partners to drive towards sustainable urban development.

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